Coal Mine Haul Trucks
Background – Aqua Energy Group’s strategic alliance partner
FRUTIGER was awarded the contract for the design and turnkey
construction of an automated demucking washing plant in
2020. The project was tendered by the largest coal mining
company in the world. They operate more than 500 active coal
mines and employ more than 250,000 people worldwide. Most
of its mines are operated as open-cut mines, using the world’s
largest vehicles to transport coal and overburden.
Supplied Equipment – The facility has three parallel
demucking / wash lines for diffolids are separated using a
bio-degradable flocculent dosing system and dealt with under
mine site protocol.
Future Options – These automated units are now being
developed as a retrofitted kit style unit to existing Wash Bays,
utilising the existing infrastructure where possible with design
changes requiring minor works to the concrete sub-structure
and fine tuning of any existing holding / separation tank to
match the frequency rates of use on each truck washing system. The bolt
together system is proving an economical solution for business
by reducing construction time on site enabling the returning of
the wash bay to service in a minimal timeframe and reducing
the impact on any production or maintenance activities that
are scheduled for the mine.
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